Opening Hours: Mon – Fri 8:30 AM – 5:00 PM • Sat 9:00 AM – 12:00 PM • Sun 9:00 AM – 3:00 PM


We're Here For You Every Step Of The Way

We look forward to seeing you at our family medical centre. Our services have mixed billing, and walk-ins are always welcome. Our administrative staff are discreet, dedicated and efficient, and will always make you feel welcome and comfortable. With highly qualified medical and allied health specialists, as well as an onsite dentist, we provide a range of services for people of all ages.

Our Mission

At The Quay Family Healthcare we are committed to providing superior services and support to you and your family. Our highly qualified doctors are at the cutting edge of treatment, support and advice for a range of medical conditions, and have a holistic approach to health and wellbeing.


What makes us different

At The Quay Family Healthcare, we are passionate about improving lives through knowledge and empowerment.


The Team Of Great Doctors Behind The Quay Family Healthcare

General Practitioner, Male, MBBS, FRACGP

General Practitioner, Female, MBBS, FRACGP

General Practitioner, Female, MBBS, RANZCOG

General Practitioner, Male, MBBS

General Practitioner, Male


Insurance Companies That Work With Us

Patient Resources

Introducing Mixed Billing in our Practice

Access to healthcare for the community we serve is important to us. The Quay Family Healthcare unwavering commitment to maintaining and improving the quality of healthcare services we deliver is our top priority. To protect the sustainability of our practice and ensure the standard of the services we provide; The Quay Family Healthcare will now become a Mixed- Billing practice. This will allow us to maintain the highest quality of care we provide while still being able to address our patients with substantial needs.

Starting the 1st of September of 2022, we will be introducing the “Mixed-Billing” system. Most consultations are time-based and will incur private fees for patients who are not eligible under the bulk-billing criteria. Fees are payable at the time of consultation by cash, credit card or EFTPOS.

We are still able to bulk bill eligible patient groups for most of the consultation types:

  • Children under 16 years of age
  • Commonwealth Concession Card holders
  • DVA Gold Card holders
  • Health Care Card holders
  • Pensioner Concession Card holders

Medicare eligible patients

ServiceUpfront CostRebateOut of pocket
Standard / Phone consult$57.85$42.85$15.00
Long consult
(over 20 minutes)
BiopsyDoctors discretion Anywhere from
Iron Infusion$272.15$122.15$150.00
Ear Syringing1 Ear – $67.85
2 Ear – $77.85
Children – $10 per ear
Children – no rebate
1 Ear – $25.00
2 Ear – $35.00
Children – $10 per ear
Children – $15 per cryo
Children – no rebate
Children – $15.00
Implanon Insertion$152.40$117.40$35.00
Implanon Removal$191.75$141.75$50.00
Implanon Replacement$251.25$176.25$75.00
Mirena Insertion$277.65$77.65$200
Mirena Removal$132.90$82.90$50
Mirena Replacement$327.65$77.65$250
Legal Medical FormsDetermined by doctor at consult prior  

Non-Medicare eligible patients

Standard / Phone consult $75.00
Long consult $120


  • Children under the age of 16 years
  • All patients with current pension or health care cards
  • All DVA card holders

We aim to continue providing the best possible care to all of our valued patients. If you are experiencing significant financial hardship and find yourself unable to pay fees, please speak with the practice manager regarding your situation.

Medicare consumables fees will still apply for the above patients.


There is now a 2-hour window for cancelation of appointment with the Doctors.

If patient cancels after the 2-hour time or fails to attend a fee of $15.00 will be charged to patient ($30.00 if time was allocated for a procedure or the appointment was after-hours)

Payment to be made on the day. No further appointments offered until account rectified.

Reception needs to make clear notes in patients file for payments


ALL WORK COVER PATIENTS WITH NEW CLAIMS WILL PAY UPFRONT FOR THE CONSULTATIONS until their claim has been approved and we have received a letter from their case manager stating the claim has been approved.

Patients can then seek to be reimbursed by their employer.

Privacy and confidentiality are cornerstones of our professional beliefs and commitment to patient care and satisfaction. Our systems are designed to protect your health records, and our staff are trained in the requirements of current privacy legislation and regulations.

For the continuing management of our patient’s health, we utilise a systematic reminder system to provide health promotion, preventative care and early detection of disease.
Our system is based on the best available evidence and, where possible incorporates.

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